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New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Environmental Fact Sheet

Snow Disposal Guidelines


During each snowfall season from November to April, the Department of Environmental Services receives many complaints related to snow disposal into and/or near surface water. There are several different concerns regarding disposal of snow cleared from streets and parking lots. These can be initially categorized as aesthetic concerns, such as minimizing the visibility of debris and huge snow piles, and environmental concerns, such as protection of groundwater quality, surface water quality, and aquatic life.

The environmental effects of disposed snow result from high levels of sodium chloride, sand, debris and contaminants from automobile exhaust. The method of disposal determines the potential environmental effects: disposal in surface water; adjacent to surface water; or away from surface water where meltwater will discharge to groundwater.

Each disposal alternative poses different problems. Chlorides, metals, and other such contaminants are a threat to groundwater, and to some extent, surface water. Sand and silt threaten aquatic life in surface water but pose no threat to groundwater. Debris can create a water quality problem if dumped with snow into surface water.

Recommended Guidelines for Snow Disposal

The following guidelines reflect the view of DES that the greatest long-term harm would occur from contamination of groundwater, but that surface water must also be protected, and that aesthetic concerns cannot take a higher priority than the environmental concerns.
  • Disposed snow should be stored near flowing surface waters, but at least 25 feet from the high water mark of the surface water;
  • A silt fence or equivalent barrier should be securely placed between the snow storage area and the high water mark;
  • The snow storage area should be at least 75 feet from any private water supply wells, at least 200 feet from any community water supply wells, and at least 400 feet from any municipal wells. (Note: Snow storage areas are prohibited in wellhead protection areas [class GAA groundwater]);
  • All debris in the snow storage area should be cleared from the site prior to snow storage; and
  • All debris in the snow storage area should be cleared from the site and properly disposed of no later than May 15 of each year the area is used for snow storage.
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